What's New
Once again, National Institute of Sport Coaches is undergoing change to help meet the needs of our coaches, parents, and most importantly, our youth. We have updated our website with additional information and services to provide the most up-to-date happenings with National Institute of Sport Coaches. In addition, we have added our own Sports Safety/CPR class that is approved by many Sports
Activitie Associations. National Institute of Sport Coaches looks forward to providing you with the best possible resources to help meet your needs.
Coaching Tip of the Month
24 Hour Rule. Tell your parents not to approach you about the game, meet or talk until 24 hours after. This might save you or the parent from saying anything harmful!
Tell Us Your Story
Please tell us your sport's story, either positive or negative. If you are willing to give us your name and contact information, we may want to use your story to publish in the future.
Feel free to Email us with your story.