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Premium High School & Sport Safety Clinics
Positive Sport Coaching has taught sport education to over 7,500 coaches. These trained coaches affect on average 14 athletes per year. Roughly translated, that's over 105,000 young athletes per year that hopefully have been effected in positive ways as a result of their coach's training by Positive Sport Coaching. Our program is a national education program which offers comprehensive training to U.S. coaches. The Positive Sport Coaching program includes sport philosophy, sport motivation, teaching sport skills, health, nutrition specific to
athletes, sport management and sports abuse
Clinics available around the country.
You may register through Pay Pal below.
Or register by mailing the printable version.
Premium High School & Sport Safety Clinics
Positive Sport Coaching has taught sport education to over 7,500 coaches. These trained coaches affect on average 14 athletes per year. Roughly translated, that's over 105,000 young athletes per year that hopefully have been effected in positive ways as a result of their coach's training by Positive Sport Coaching. Our program is a national education program which offers comprehensive training to U.S. coaches. The Positive Sport Coaching program includes sport philosophy, sport motivation, teaching sport skills, health, nutrition specific to
athletes, sport management and sports abuse
Clinics available around the country.
You may register through Pay Pal below.
Or register by mailing the printable version.
PCHSC Leader Level Coach

This program is designed to meet educational requirements for the High School
level. This program addresses coaching philosophies, sports psychology,
teaching sports skills, health issues for your athletes, and sports management.
Certification and course materials are included in this course.
Cost: $85.00
level. This program addresses coaching philosophies, sports psychology,
teaching sports skills, health issues for your athletes, and sports management.
Certification and course materials are included in this course.
Cost: $85.00
Certified Teachers

For coaches who are certified teachers and would benefit from additional
training in coaching philosophy, teaching sport skills, and sports management.
Cost: $45.00
training in coaching philosophy, teaching sport skills, and sports management.
Cost: $45.00
Sports Safety/CPR

Being a successful coach requires knowing more than just the skills and strategies of a sport. It includes being able to teach techniques and tactics, motivated athletes and manage a myriad of details. It involves fulfilling the role of being a competent first responder to athletes injuries and illnesses.
Cost: $65.00
Cost: $65.00